MSc Development Scholarship at the University of Kent for Developing Nations

Unlocking Global Potential: The MSc Development Scholarship 2023/2024 at the University of Kent


The University of Kent is extending an exclusive opportunity for outstanding students from developing nations to realize their academic dreams. 

The MSc Development Scholarship for the academic year 2023/2024 is designed to aid gifted individuals who wish to enroll in the Master of Development Economics program. 

This initiative underscores the University’s dedication to promoting global diversity and enhancing education in development economics.


The prestigious School of Economics at the University of Kent, UK, is the backbone of the MSc Development Scholarship. Known for its academic rigor and commitment to nurturing future leaders, the School provides a launchpad for budding scholars to commence their journey of academic and professional development.

Field of Study

The scholarship is tailored for those pursuing a Master’s in Development Economics, offering them a distinctive chance to explore this vital field in depth. The MSc Development program arms students with the necessary knowledge and skills to tackle the intricate economic issues plaguing developing nations.

Number of Scholarships

The University is granting a finite number of scholarships with the sole aim of identifying and supporting brilliant minds from various parts of the world. This ensures a diverse range of viewpoints enriches the academic dialogue within the Master of Development Economics program.

Target Demographic

The MSc Development Scholarship is specifically crafted for citizens of developing nations. By focusing on this group, the University of Kent seeks to uplift individuals who may encounter financial hurdles but demonstrate remarkable academic prowess.

Scholarship Benefits

Successful awardees of the MSc Development Scholarship will receive up to 50% coverage of the full tuition fees. It’s important to remember that additional funds will be needed to cover accommodation, travel, and living expenses.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must meet specific criteria to qualify for the MSc Development Scholarship. Acceptance of the scholarship hinges on securing a spot in the 2021/2022 Master’s Development Economics course at the University of Kent. Additionally, applicants should have already secured a scholarship that covers at least 50% of the full tuition from another recognized funder.

Application Process

The path to obtaining the MSc Development Scholarship starts with applying for the Master’s Development Economics Program for the academic year 2023/2024. It’s crucial to note that scholarship applications will not be processed unless an application for the study program has been lodged. 

The deadline for scholarship applications is June 21, 2024. Prospective scholars are urged to visit the official link provided below for a detailed guide on eligibility criteria and the application process.


The MSc Development Scholarship at the University of Kent exemplifies the institution’s commitment to cultivating global talent and providing access to quality education. 

This initiative not only paves the way for deserving individuals but also adds to the diversity and richness of perspectives in academia. As the University continues to be a beacon of knowledge, this scholarship program reinforces its pledge to make a positive impact on the world through education.

Scholarship Link


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